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[1] Y Yu, S Wang, W Ge, F Zhang, G Zhang, Y Li, SW Wong “Fully integrated design of a probe‐fed open‐ended waveguide filtering antenna using 3‐D printing technology” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 2021.

[2] J.Y. Lin, Y Yang, SW Wong, Y Li “High-Order Modes Analysis and Its Applications to Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Filtering Cavity Slot Arrays” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021

[3] W. He, Y He, SW Wong, CH Liao, “A wideband circularly polarized S‐shaped slot antenna” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 2021.

[4] Y Li, S Li, SW Wong, B Liu, “Analysis of OAM Performance using Metalenses of Different Resolutions” IEEE Access, 2021

[5] B Liu, S Li, Y He, Y Li, SW Wong, “Generation of an Orbital-Angular-Momentum-Mode-Reconfigurable Beam by a Broadband 1-Bit Electronically Reconfigurable Transmitarray” Physical Review Applied 2021.

[6] R.-S. Chen, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, Y. Yang, J.Y. Lin, Y. Li, L. Zhang, Y. He, and S. Gao, “Low-Sidelobe Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Array with Simplified Feeding Structure for Vehicular Communications”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021.

[7] W He, Y He, L Zhang, SW Wong, W Li, A Boag, “A Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Conical-Beam Antenna with Wide Overlap Bandwidth” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021

[8] A Iqbal, JJ Tiang, SK Wong, SW Wong, NK Mallat “SIW Cavity Backed Self-Quadruplexing Antenna For Compact RF Front-ends”, IEEE Antenna Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2021.

[9] R.-S. Chen, L. Zhu, S.-W. Wong, X.-Z. Yu, Y. Li, W. He, L. Zhang, and Y. He, "Novel Reconfigurable Full-Metal Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas Using Movable Metal Posts," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021

[10] G.-W. Chen, S.-W. Wong, Y. Li, Z.-C. Guo, L. Zhang, A. K. Rashid, N. Xie, and L. Zhu, “High Roll-off Frequency Selective Structure with Quasic-Elliptic Bandpass Response” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021.

[11] A. Iqbal, J.-J. Tiang, S.-K. Wong, S.-W Wong, N.-K. Mallat, “QMSIW-Based Single and Triple Band Bandpass Filters” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021.

[12] R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Li, L. Zhang, Y. He,“S-Band Full-Metal Circularly-Polarized Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna with Wide Bandwidth and Wide Beamwidth” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021

[13] Y. Jiang, L. Feng, K. Hu, J. Liang, Z. Yu, Y. Shi, W. Feng, W. Tang, W. Shi, and S.W. Wong,“Compact wideband Wilkinson power divider on gallium arsenide‐based integrated passive device technology” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021.

[14] B. Liu, Y. He, S.W. Wong, Y. Li, “Experimental demonstration of a time-domain digital-coding metasurface for a Doppler cloak”, Optics Express, 2021.

[15] B. Liu, Y. He, S.W. Wong, Y. Li, “Multifunctional Vortex Beam Generation by a Dynamic Reflective Metasurface”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021.

[16] S.-W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Yang, Z. C. Guo, L. Zhu, and Q. X. Chu, “Microwave Waveguide Components Based on Multiple-Mode Resonators”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2021

[17] RS Chen, L Zhu, SW Wong, JY Lin, Y Yang, Y Li, Y He, “Miniaturized full‐metal bandpass filter and multiplexer using circular spiral resonator” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2021

[18] X.M. Hu, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Li, Y. Yang, G.H. Sun, L. Zhang, and L. Zhang, “Broadband High Gain Slot Grid Array Antenna for Millimeter Wave Applications”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021

[19] X.K. Bi, X. Zhang, S.W. Wong, S.H. Guo, and T. Yuan, “Reconfigurable-Bandwidth DWB BPF with Fixed Operation Frequency and Controllable Stopband”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2021.

[20] Y. Li, S.-W. Wong, S. Wang, J.-Y. Lin, B. Liu, L. Zhu, Y. He, “Frequency Selective Surface with Quasi-Elliptic Bandpass Response Using Radiation Null of Patch Antenna” IEEE Antenna Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2020.

[21] G.W. Chen, S.W. Wong, Y. Li, Z.C. Guo, L. Zhang, A.K. Rashid, N. Xie, and L. Zhu,“Low Profile and High Passband Roll-off Frequency-Selective Structure Using Bent Waveguides” IEEE Antenna Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2020.

[22] R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, J.Y. Lin, S.-W. Wong, Y. Yang, Y. Li, L. Zhang, and Y. He, “ High-isolation in-band full-duplex cavity-backed slot antennas in a single resonant cavity”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020

[23] L. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. He, S.W. Wong, C. Mao, L. Ge, and S. Gao, “A Quad-Polarization Reconfiguration Antenna with Suppression Cross Polarization Based on Characteristic Mode Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020

[24] L. Zhang, N. Luo, Y. Sun, Y. He, S.W. Wong, P. Chu, C. Mao, and S. Gao, “A Single-Turn Stacked Spiral Antenna with Ultrawide Bandwidth Compact Size”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020

[25] Y. He, Y. Chen, L. Zhang, S.W. Wong, and Z.N. Chen, “An Overview of Terahertz antennas,” China Communication, 2020.

[26] R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, J.Y. Lin, S.W. Wong, Y. Yang, Y. Li, L. Zhang, Y. He, and L. Zhu, “Reconfigurable Cavity Bandpass Filters Using Fluid Dielectric” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.

[27] R.X. Liao, S.W. Wong, Y. Li, J.Y. Lin, B.Y. Liu, F.C. Chen, Z. Quan, “Quasi-Elliptic Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface Based on Coupled Stubs-Loaded Ring Resonators” IEEE Access 2020.

[28] R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, J.Y. Lin, S.W. Wong, Y. Yang, Y. Li,  L. Zhang, and Y. He “High Efficiency and Wideband Dual-Resonance Full-Metal Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Array” IEEE Antenna Wireless and Propagation Letters. 2020.

[29] Z.C. Guo, L. Zhu, and S.W. Wong, “Canonical Synthesis of Transversal Bandpass Filters”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2020.

[30] R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, J.Y. Lin, S.W. Wong, Y. Yang, and Y. He, “Miniaturized Full-Metal Dual-Band Filter Using Dual-Mode Circular Spiral Resonators”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters. 2020.

[31] J.H. Guo, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Li, L. Zhang, Z.M. Xie, Y. He, and L. Zhu, “A Continuously Tunable Bandpass Filter Using Distilled Water Based on Multiple-Mode Resonator” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters, 2020

[32] X.K. Bi, X. Zhang, S.W. Wong, S.H. Guo, and T. Yuan,“Synthesis Design of Chebyshev Wideband Bandpass Filters with Independently Reconfigurable Lower Passband Edge”,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2020.

[33] R.-S. Chen, S.-W. Wong, B.-J. Niu, J.-Y. Lin, Y. Li, L. Zhang, and Y. He, “High Selectivity Band-Stop Filters Using Slotted Substrate Integrated Waveguide” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 2020

[34] X.K. Bi, X. Zhang, S.W. Wong, S.H. Guo, T. Yuan, “Design of Notched-Wideband Bandpass Filters With Reconfigurable Bandwidth Based on Terminated Cross-Shaped Resonators”, IEEE Access, 2020.

[35] Z.C. Guo, L. Zhu, and S.W. Wong, “Modular Synthesis of Waveguide Bandpass Filters Using Dual-mode Resonators”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2020

[36] X. Fang, Y.C. Li, Q. Xue, D.S. Wu, and S.W. Wong, “Dual-Mode Filtering Baluns Based on Hybrid Cavity-Microstrip Structures” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2020

[37] B.Y. Liu, H Giddens, Y. Li, Y. He, S.W. Wong, and Y. Hao, “Design and experimental demonstration of Doppler cloak from spatiotemporally modulated metamaterials based on rotational Doppler effect”, Optics Express 2020

[38] C. Luo, S. W. Wong, R.-S. Chen, X. Zhu, Y. Yang, J.Y. Lin, Z.H. Tu, and Q. Quan,“Compact On-Chip Millimeter-wave Bandpass Filters With Meandered Grounding Resonator in 0.13-μm (Bi)-CMOS Technology” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 2019

[39] X.K. Bi, X. Zhang, S.W. Wong, T. Yuan, and S.H. Guo “Design of Equal-Ripple Dual-Wideband Bandpass Filter with Minimum Design Parameters Based on Cross-Shaped Resonator” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2019

[40] C. Luo, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Yang, Y. Li, X.Z. Yu, L.P. Feng, Z.H. Tu, and L. Zhu, “Quasi-Reflectionless Microstrip Bandpass Filters Using Bandstop Filter for Out-of-Band Improvement” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2019

[41] Y.M. Wu, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Yang, L Zhang, W.W. Choi, L. Zhu, and Y. He "Design of triple-band and triplex slot antenna using triple-mode cavity resonator". IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2020

[42] S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, Y. Yang, H. Zhu, R.S. Chen, L. Zhu, and Y. He, “Cavity Balanced and Unbalanced Diplexer Based on Triple-mode Resonator” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020

[43] L. Zhang, K. Wu, S.W. Wong, Y. He, P. Chu, W. Li, K.X. Wang, and S. Gao, "Wideband High-Efficiency Circularly Polarized SIW-Fed S-Dipole Array for Millimeter-Wave Applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020

[44] X.K. Bi, X. Zhang, S.W. Wong, and T. Yuan, “Design of Notched-Wideband Bandpass Filters with Reconfigurable Bandwidth Based on Terminated Cross-Shaped Resonators” in press, IEEE Access. 2020.

[45] A. Iqbal, J.J. Tiang, C.K. Lee, N.K. Mallat, and S.W. Wong, "Dual-band Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter with Independently Tunable Bands", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2020.

[46] J.-Y. Lin, Y. Yang, S.-W. Wong, R.-S. Chen, Y. Li, L. Zhang, Y. He, and L. Zhu, “Cavity Filtering Magic-T and Its Integrations Into Balanced-to-Unbalanced Power Divider and Duplexing Power Divider” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2019.

[47] W. He, L. Zhang, Y. He, S.-W. Wong, C. Mao, P. Chu, L. Ge, S. Gao, “An Ultra-Wideband Circularly Polarized Asymmetric-S Antenna With Enhanced Bandwidth and Beamwidth Performance” IEEE Access, 2019.

[48] Z.C. Guo, L. Zhu, and S.W. Wong, "Synthesis of Transversal Bandpass Filters on Stacked Rectangular H-plane Waveguide Cavities", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019.

[49] Z.-C. Guo, S.-W. Wong, and L. Zhu, and,“Triple-Passband Cavity Filters with High Selectivity under Operation of Triple Modes” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2019.

[50] Z.C. Zhang, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, H.W. Liu, L. Zhu, and Y. He, "Design of Multistate Diplexers on Uniform- and Stepped-Impedance Stub-Loaded Resonators" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019.

[51] B.J. Niu, J.H. Tan, and S.W. Wong, “A Printed Dual-Band Dipole Filtenna with Flexible Frequency Ratio and Improved Band-Notched Performance” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2019.

[52] S.W. Wong, F. Deng, and E.-S. Li, "Single/Dual-Band Triple-Mode Cavity Filters with Wide Tunable Frequency Range", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2019.

[53] Z.-C. Guo, L. Zhu, and S.W. Wong, "A Quantitative Approach for Direct Synthesis of Bandpass Filters Composed of Transversal Resonators" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II,  2019.

[54] S.Y. Zhou, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, L. Zhu, Y. He, and Z.H. Tu, "Four-Way Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Splitter/Combiner", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters, 2019.

[55] B.J. Niu, J.H. Tan, and, S.W. Wong, "Compact SIW cavity slot antenna with enhanced bandwidth and quasi-elliptic filtering response " IET Electronics Letters, 2019.

[56] Y.M. Wu, S.W. Wong, H. Wong, and F.C. Chen, "A Design of Bandwidth-Enhanced Cavity-Backed Slot Filtenna Using Resonance Windows" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.

[57] J.-Y Lin, S.-W. Wong, Y. Yang, L. Zhu, and Y. He, "Three-Way Multiple-mode Cavity Filtering Crossover for Narrowband and Broadband Applications" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019.

[58] J.-Y Lin, S.-W. Wong, Y.-M. Wu, L. Zhu, Y. Yang, and Y. He, "A New Concept and Approach for Integration of Three-State Cavity Diplexer Based on Triple-Mode Resonators" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018.

[59] H. Zhu, Y.Yang, X. Zhu, Y. Sun, S.W. Wong "Miniaturized Resonator and Bandpass Filter for Silicon-Based Monolithic Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2018.

[60] M. Li, Y. Yang, X. Zhu, K. D. Xu, and S.-W. Wong, "Microwave On-Chip Bandpass Filter Based on Hybrid Coupling Technique" IEEE Transactions on Electronics Device, 2018.

[61] S.-W. Wong, B.L. Zheng, J.-Y Lin, Z.C. Zhang, Y. Yang, L. Zhu, and Y. He, "Design of Three-State Diplexer Using a Planar Triple-mode Resonator”IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018.

[62] Y. He, J. Li, S.W. Wong, X.F. Pan, L Zhang, and Z.N. Chen, "A Miniaturized Base Station Antenna With Novel Phase Shifter for 3G/LTE Applications" IEEE Access, 2018.

[63] B.L. Zheng, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Y. He, “Broadband Duplex-Filtenna Based on Low Profile Metallic Cavity Packaging”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018.

[64] S.W. Wong, G.H. Sun, L. Zhu, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Integration of wireless coil and Bluetooth antenna for high charging and radiation efficiencies”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018.

[65] S.W. Wong, Z.C. Guo, J.Y. Lin, L. Zhu, Q.F. Zhang, and Y. He, " Triple-mode and Triple-band Cavity Bandpass Filter on Triplet Topology with Controllable Transmission Zeros " IEEE Access, 2018.

[66] Y.M. Wu, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, L. Zhu, Y. He, and F.C. Chen " A Circularly-Polarized Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna with Enhanced Radiation Gain " IEEE Antenna Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2018.

S.-Y Zhou, J.-Y. Lin, S.-W Wong, F. Deng, L. Zhu, Y. Yang, Y. He, and Z.-H. Tu, "Spoof surface plasmon polaritons power divider with large isolation" Scientific Report, 2018

[67] B.L. Zheng, S.W. Wong, S.F. Feng, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, “Multi-Mode Bandpass Cavity Filters and Duplexer with Slot Mixed-Coupling Structure”, IEEE Access 2018.

[68] J.Y. Lin, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, Y. Yang, X. Zhu, and Y. He "A Dual-Functional Triple-Mode Cavity Resonator with the Integration of Filters and Antennas" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2018.

[69] Z.C. Zhang, H.W. Liu, and S.W. Wong, "Compact Wideband Bandpass Filter Based on Double-T-Shaped Stub Loaded Resonator and Loading Technique for Zero-Voltage Point" International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018.

[70] Z.C. Guo, S.W. Wong, and L. Zhu, "A Triple-mode Cavity Bandpass Filter under Excitation via U-shaped Slots " IET Electronics Letters, 2017.

[71] S.W. Wong, F. Deng, Y.M. Wu, J.Y. Lin, L. Zhu, Q.X. Chu, and Y. Yang "Individually frequency tunable dual- and triple-band filters in a single cavity", IEEE Access, 2017.

[72] G.H. Sun, S.W. Wong, and H. Wong, "A broadband antenna array using full-wave dipole", IEEE Access, 2017.

[73] S.-W. Wong, F. Deng, J.-Y. Lin, Y.-M Wu, L. Zhu, and Q.-X. Chu, "An Independently Four-Channel Cavity Diplexer with 1.1-2.8 GHz Tunable Range" IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters, 2017.

[74] J.Y. Lin, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, “Design of Miniaturized Triplexers via Sharing a Single Triple-Mode Cavity Resonator”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2017.

[75] S.W. Wong, B.L. Zheng, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, “A quintuple-mode wideband filter based on a single metal cavity”, IET Electronics Letters, 2017.

[76] Z.C. Guo, S.W. Wong, J.Y. Lin, F. Deng, L. Zhu, Q.X. Chu, and Y. Yang " Triple-mode Cavity Bandpass Filter on Doublet with Controllable Transmission Zeros " IEEE Access, 2017.

[77] S.F. Feng, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "A Triple-mode Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Single Rectangular Waveguide Cavity" IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters 2017.

[78] S.W. Wong, R.S. Chen, J.Y. Lin, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "Substrate integrated waveguide quasi-elliptic filter using slot coupling and microstrip-line cross-coupled structure", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2016.

[79] S.W. Wong, S.F. Feng, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "A quintuple-mode wideband bandpass filter on single metallic cavity with perturbation cylinders", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters, 2016.

[80] K. Wang, Q.F. Zhang, F. Xia, W. Liao S.W. Wong, Y.F. Chen “General Condition for Ladder Network Prototype with Equal Terminations” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 2016.

[81] S.W. Wong, G.H. Sun, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "Broadband Dual-Polarization and Stable-Beamwidth Slot Antenna Fed by U-Shape Microstrip Line", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2017.

[82] S.W. Wong, S.F. Feng, Z.C. Zhang, B.L. Zheng, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "A Compact Triple-Mode Bandpass Filter using Dielectric Resonator in Cylindrical Cavity" Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 2016.

[83] G.H. Sun, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "A Compact Printed Filtering Antenna with Good Suppression of Upper Harmonic Band" IEEE Antennas Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2016.

[84] Z.C. Zhang, Q.X. Chu, S.W. Wong, S.F. Feng, L. Zhu, Q.T. Huang, and F.C. Chen, "Triple-Mode Dielectric-loaded Cylindrical Cavity Diplexer Using Novel Packaging Technique for LTE Base Station Applications" IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2016.

[85] S.W. Wong, Q.K. Huang, G.H. Sun, L. Zhu and Q.X. Chu, "Multiple-mode Wideband Dual-Polarized Antenna for Long Term Evolution (LTE) application" IEEE Antennas Wireless and Propagation Letters, 2016.

[86] K. Wang, S.W. Wong, G.H. Sun, Z.N. Chen, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "Synthesis method for substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filter with even-order Chebyshev response.", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2016.

[87] K. Wang, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, Q.F. Zhang, and Q.X. Chu, "A novel SIW dual-band bandpass filter on a double-layer substrate using loaded posts" Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 2016.

[88] Y.F. Zheng, S.W. Wong, Q.K. Huang, K. Wang, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "Wideband dipole antenna using multiple-mode resonator for long-term evolution application", IET Electronics Letters, 2015.

[89] S.W. Wong, Z.C. Zhang, S.F. Feng, L. Zhu, F.C. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, "Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator Diplexer for Base Station Applications" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015.

[90] S.W. Wong, S.F. Feng, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, "Triple- and Quadruple-mode wideband bandpass filter using simple perturbation in single metal cavity", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015.

[91] W.W. Liao, Q.F. Zhang, Y.F. Chen, S.W. Wong and C. Caloz, "Compact reflection-type phaser using quarter-wavelength transmission line resonator", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2015.

[92] K. Wang, L. Zhu, S.W. Wong, D. Chen, and Z.C. Guo, " Balanced Dual-Band BPF With Intrinsic Common-Mode Suppression on a Double-Layer Substrate", IET Electronics Letters, 2015.

[93] S.W. Wong, R.S. Chen, K. Wang, Z.N. Chen, Q.X. Chu, "U-shape Slots Structure on Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) for 40 GHz Bandpass Filter Using LTCC Technology", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2015.

[94] R.S. Chen, S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, “Wideband Bandpass Filter Using U-Slotted Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Cavities,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2015.

[95] F.-C. Chen, J.-M. Qiu, S.W. Wong, and Q.X. Chu, "Dual-band coaxial cavity bandpass filter with helical feeding structure and mixed coupling", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2015.

[96] K. Wang, Y.-Y. Li, and S.W. Wong, "A novel compact wideband bandpass filter using rotational symmetric loaded structure". Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letter, 2014

[97] Y.-F. Zheng, K. Wang, S. W. Wong, Z.-C. Guo, Q.-K. Huang, and Y.-Y. Li,“UWB bandpass filter with hybrid structure and two transmission zeros in the notched band”,Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters,  2014

[98] F. Lin, S.W. Wong, and Q.X. Chu, “Compact Design of Planar Continuously Tunable Crossover With Two-Section Coupled Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2014.

[99] S.W. Wong, K. Wang, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Design of Millimeter-Wave Bandpass Filter Using Electric Coupling of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW),” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2014.

[100] S.W. Wong, K. Wang, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Electric coupling structure of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for the application of 140-GHz bandpass filter on LTCC,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2014.

[101] F. Lin, Q.X. Chu, and S.W. Wong and “A novel Gysel power divider design with uniform impedance transmission lines for arbitrary power-dividing ratios,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013.

[102] Q.-X. Chu, and S.W. Wong*, “Ultra-wideband bandpass filter technologies”, Journal of Microwave, 2013.

[103] K. Wang, L.-S. Zheng, S.W. Wong, Y.-F. Zheng, and Q.-X. Chu, “Design of even-order symmetric bandpass filter with chebyshev response,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2013.

[104] F. Lin, Q.X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Dual-band planar crossover with two-section branch-line structure,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2013.

[105] S.W. Wong, X.-H. Liu, K. Wang, L.-S. Zheng and Q.-X. Chu, “Design of diplexer with rotationally symmetric structure.” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 2013.

[106] K. Wang, S.W. Wong and Q.X. Chu, “A compact UWB CPW bandpass filter with short-ended H-shaped resonator and controllable notched band,”Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 2013.

[107] S.W. Wong, Kai. Wang, Zhining Chen, and Qingxin Chu, “Rotationally symmetric coupled-lines bandpass filter with two transmission zeros,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, , 2013.

[108] S.W. Wong, T.G Huang, C.S. Mao, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Planar filtering ultra-wideband(UWB) antenna with shorting pins,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2013.

[109] F. Lin, Q. -X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Design of Dual-band Filtering Quadrature Coupler Using lamda/2 and lamda/4 Resonators,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2012.

[110] F. Lin, Q. -X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Compact broadband microstrip rat-race couplers using microstrip/slotline phase inverters for arbitrary power-dividing ratios,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2012.

[111] F. Lin, Q.X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Authors' Reply [Compact broadband Gysel Power Divider],” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2012.

[112] S.W. Wong, Z.N. Chen and Q.X. Chu, “Microstrip-line millimeter-wave bandpass filter using interdigital coupled-line,” IET Electronics Letters, 2012.

[113] S.W. Wong, Z.N. Chen and Q.X. Chu, “Rotationally symmetric microstrip-line millimeter-wave bandpass filter with two transmission zeros,” IET Electronics Letters, 2011.

[114] S.W. Wong Z.N. Chen and X.M. Qing, “Low cost 60-GHz microstrip bandpass filter with stub-loaded anticoupled line,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2010.

[115] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “UWB bandpass filter using short-circuited shunt stub-embedded multiple-mode resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2009.

[116] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Compact wideband bandpass filters using rhombus-shaped triple-mode resonator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 2009.

[117] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband power dividers with good isolation and improved sharp roll-off skirt,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2009.

[118] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Quadruple-mode UWB bandpass filter with improved out-of-band rejection,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2009.

[119] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband bandpass filters with improved out-of-band behaviour via embedded electromagnetic-bandgap multimode resonators,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2008.

[120] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wide bandpass filters with sharpened roll-off skirts, extended upper-stopband and controllable notch-band,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2008.

[121] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband power divider with good in-band splitting and isolation performances” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2008.

[122] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Implementation of compact UWB bandpass filter with a notch-band” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2008.

[123] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “EBG-Embedded multiple-mode resonator for UWB bandpass filter with improved upper-stopband performance” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2007.
