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2. 主持广东省自然科学基金面上项目,D2D通信异构网络能量效率关键技术研究(2021A1515012097)。

3. 主持深圳市科创委基础研究项目-稳定支持计划,基于机器学习的分布式天线移动通信系统关键技术研究(20200811192821001)。

4. 主持广东省教育厅重点专项项目,基于大数据的农村地区智能水质检测系统研究(2020ZDZX1021) 。




P1. Chunlong He, Bin Sheng, Pengcheng Zhu, Xiaohu You, and Geoffrey Ye Li. “Energy and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff for Distributed Antenna Systems 

with Proportional Fairness" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 894–902, May 2013. (SCI, JCR一区, Google 学术引用:


P2. Chunlong He, Chu Tian, Chiya Zhang, Cunhua Pan, Daquan Feng and Fu-Chun Zheng.“Energy Efficiency Optimization for Distributed Antenna Systems with D2D Communications under Channel Uncertainty” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. vol.4, no.4, pp.1037-1047, Dec.2020.

P3. Chunlong He, Geoffrey Ye Li, Fu-chun Zheng and Xiaohu You. “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDM Systems with Distributed Antennas” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. vol.63, no.3, pp.1223-1231, March 2014.   (SCI, JCR一区, Google学术引用:100次)

P4. Chunlong He, Geoffrey Ye Li, Fuchun Zheng and Xiaohu You. “Power Allocation Criteria for Distributed Antenna Systems” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. vol.64, no.11, pp.5083-5090, Nov. 2015. (SCI, JCR一区, Google 学术引用:38次)

P5. Chunlong He, Bin Sheng, Pengcheng Zhu, Xiaohu You. “Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff in Downlink Distributed Antenna Systems” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.3, no.1, pp:153-156, 2012. (SCI, JCR二区, Google 学术引用:114次)

P6. Chunlong He, Qian Chen, Cunhua Pan, Xingquan Li and Fu-Chun Zheng.“Resource Allocation Schemes Based on Coalition Games for Vehicular Communications” IEEE Communications Letters, vol.23, no.12, pp. 2340 - 2343, Dec.2019.

P7. Chunlong He, Fangyan Zeng, Chiya Zhang, Cunhua Pan, Daquan Feng and Fu-Chun Zheng.“Energy Efficiency of Distributed Antenna Systems with D2D Communications Under Imperfect CSI” Journal of Communications and Information Networks, vol.5, no.1, pp. 62 - 74, Mar.2020.

P8. Chunlong He, Yuehua Zhou, Gongbin Qian, Xingquan Li, and Daquan Feng. “Energy efficient power allocation based on machine learning generated clusters for distributed antenna systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 59575- 59584, May 2019. (SCI, JCR一区)

P9. Chunlong He, Jiaqian Liang, Gongbin Qian, Chongtao Guo, and Daquan Feng. “Optimal Time Allocation in Multi-Cell Wireless Powered Communication Networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 26519-26526, Mar. 2019. (SCI, JCR一区)

P10. Chunlong He, Pengcheng Zhu, Bin Sheng and Xiaohu You. “Energy Efficiency Comparison between Distributed MIMO and Co-located MIMO Systems” Wiley: International Journal of Communication Systems. vol. 27, pp.81–94, 2014.  (SCI, JCR三区)

P11. Chunlong He, Jiajia Yin, Yejun He, Min Huang and Bo Zhao “Energy Efficiency of Distributed Massive MIMO Systems” Journal of Communications and Networks. vol.18, no.4, pp.649-657,2016.   (SCI, JCR三区)

P12. Chunlong He. “Comparison of Three Different Optimization Objectives for Distributed Antenna Systems”  International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 442-448, 2016. (SCI, JCR三区)

P13. Chunlong He, Wenliang Chen, Shiqi Zhang, Xingquan Li. “ An Energy Efficient Covariance Optimization Scheme for Distributed Antenna Systems in Broadcast Channel” International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  vol.70, no.11, pp.1489-1495,2016. (SCI, JCR三区)

P14. Chunlong He, Bin Sheng, Xiaohu You. “Energy- and Spectral- Efficiency Tradeoff for the Downlink OFDM Distributed Antenna Systems” Wiley: International Journal of Communication Systems. vol. 27, pp. 3339–3351, 2014.  (SCI, JCR三区)

P15. Daquan Feng, Chunqi Wang, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Yuan Zhuang, and Xiang-Gen Xia. “Kalman Filter Based Integration of IMU and UWB for High-Accuracy Indoor Positioning and Navigation” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.7, no.4, pp.3133-3145, Apr. 2020. (SCI, JCR一区)

P16. Gongbin Qian, Zhukun Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Xinquan Li, and Xue Ding. “Power Allocation Schemes Based on Deep learning for Distributed Antenna Systems” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 31245-31253, Feb. 2020. (SCI, JCR一区)

P17. Yong Ye, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Bin Liao, and Gongbin Qian. “Capacitive Proximity Sensor Array with a Simple High Sensitivity Capacitance Measuring Circuit for Human-Computer Interaction” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol.18, no.14, pp. 5906 - 5914, May 2018. (SCI, JCR二区)

P18. Yong Ye, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Bin Liao, and Jianjun Huang. “A New Capacitance Measuring System for Capacitive Sensor for Moving Target Detection” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol.66, no.7, pp. 1099-1103, Jul. 2019. (JCR二区)

P19. Ying Liu, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Xingquan Li, Ce Zhang, Chu Tian, “Power Allocation Schemes Based on Machine Learning for Distributed Antenna Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 20577-20584, Feb. 2019. (SCI, JCR一区)  

P20. Gongbin Qian, Yuehua Zhou, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Xinquan Li, Daquan Feng. “Power allocation scheme based on support vector machine for DAS and CAS” Physical Communication, vol.32, pp. 100941-100947, Feb.2020. (SCI, JCR四区)

P21. Xingquan Li, Chiya Zhang, Rujun Zhao, Chunlong He, Hongxia Zheng, Kezhi Wang. ”Energy-effective offloading scheme in UAV-assisted C-RAN system” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.pp, no.pp, pp. 1-12, 2022. (SCI, JCR一区)

P22. Xingquan Li, Chiya Zhang, Chunlong He, Gaojie Chen, Jonathon Chambers. ”Sum Rate Maximization in IRS-assisted Wireless Power Communication Networks” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.8, no.19, pp. 14959-14970, Otc. 2021. (SCI, JCR一区)

P23. Xingquan Li, Cunhua Pan, Chiya Zhang, Chunlong He, and Kezhi Wang. ”Data Rate Maximization in UAV-Assisted C-RAN” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9, no.12, pp:2163-2167, Dec.2020.

P24. Xingquan Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Jihong Zhang. ”Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency of Bidirectional Distributed Antenna Systems with User Centric Virtual Cells,” IEEE Access, Vol.6, pp. 49886-49895, Sept.2018. (SCI, JCR一区)

P25. Xingquan Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Ce Zhang, Jihong Zhang. “Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Co-located Antenna Systems with D2D Communication” International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol 83, pp.100-105,2017. (SCI, JCR二区)

P26. Xingquan Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Daquan Feng, Chongtao Guo, Jihong Zhang. “Power Allocation Criteria for Distributed Antenna Systems with D2D Communication” International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.93, pp. 109-115, Sept. 2018. (SCI, JCR二区)

P27. Xingquan Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Jihong Zhang. “Spectral efficiency and Energy efficiency of distributed antenna systems with virtual cells,” the International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.96, pp. 130-137, Dec. 2018. (SCI, JCR二区)

P28.  Xingquan Li, Chunlong He(通讯作者), Jihong Zhang. “Optimized Power Allocation Scheme for Distributed Antenna Systems with D2D Communication,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E102-B, No.5, pp.1061-1068,May 2019. ( SCI, JCR四区)

P29. BingJian Niu, JieHong Tan and Chunlong He(通讯作者). SIW cavity-backed dualband antenna with good stopband characteristics,” Electronics Letters, vol.54, no.22, pp. 1259-1260, Nov.2018. (SCI, JCR三区)


C1.Chunlong He, Pengcheng Zhu, Bin Sheng and Xiaohu You. Energy Efficient Comparison between Distributed MIMO and Co-located MIMO in the Uplink Cellular Systems IEEE VTC2012-Fall, Quebec City, Canada, Sept. 2012.

C2.Chunlong He, Pengcheng Zhu, Bin Sheng and Xiaohu You. Energy and Spectral Efficiency of Distributed Antenna Systems IEEE WCNC2013, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013, pp: 3225-3229.

C3.Chunlong He, Pengcheng Zhu, Bin Sheng and Xiaohu You. Two Novel Interpolation Algorithms for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Limited Feedback IEEE VTC2011-Fall, San Francisco, USA, Sept. 2011, pp. 1884-2012.

C4.Chunlong He, Geoffrey Ye Li, Fuchun Zheng and Xiaohu You. Energy Efficiency of Distributed MIMO Systems IEEE GlobalSIP2014.

C5.Chunlong He, Geoffrey Ye Li, and Xiaohu You.Design Criteria for Distributed Antenna Systems IEEE VTC2014-Fall, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 2014.

C6. 何春龙,尤肖虎,朱鹏程,盛彬.基于波束成形的MIMO-OFDM插值算法,东南大学学报:自然科学版,41(5): 897-902,2011

C7. 何春龙,  任红,  郑福春,  刘楠,  尤肖虎. 分布式天线系统: 资源分配与能效优化.中国科学: 信息科学2017 年第47 卷第5 期: 591–606.


1. 何春龙、尹佳佳、黄磊、孙维泽、张沛昌. "一种基于广播信道的分布式天线能量效率优化方法及系统." 授权号:ZL 2016 1 0152989.7.(发明专利,已授权)

2. 何春龙、陈文亮、黄磊、李维诚、刘超文、李强. "一种水质检测仪."授权号:ZL 2016 1 0692271.7. (发明专利,已授权)

3. 何春龙、张诗琪、黄磊、钱恭斌、王星光、黄敏、赵博. "一种提高CRM PFC的零电压检测回路可靠性的电路及电子设备." 授权号:ZL 2016 1 0269859.1. (发明专利,已授权)

4. 何春龙、陈文亮、黄磊、李兴泉、刘超文、赵博. "一种基于集中式MIMO系统的能量效率管理方法及系统." 授权号:ZL 201610812092.2. (发明专利,已授权)

5. 何春龙、陈前、李兴泉、牛兵建."磁极子滤波天线阵列" 授权号:ZL 201810973241.2 (发明专利,已授权)

6. 何春龙、李兴泉、冯大权、郭重涛.应用于DAS的功率分配方法、装置及计算机可读存储介质 ZL 201810594573.X.(发明专利,已授权)

7. 何春龙、叶勇、裴向东、赵晓霞、郭卫卫. "汽车盲区预警系统、汽车、方法及其装置" 授权号:ZL 2019 1 0299701.2. (发明专利,已授权)

8. 何春龙、田楚、李兴泉、牛兵建. “偶极子天线阵列”授权号:ZL 201810973225.35. (发明专利,已授权)

9. 何春龙,田楚,陈前,李兴泉,张勇,邓建晖. “一种分布式天线系统能效优化方法、系统及存储介质” ZL 201910964139.0.(发明专利,已授权)

10. 何春龙, 梁佳倩,钱恭斌,郭重涛,冯大权. “多小区WPCN的吞吐量计算方法、装置、设备及存储介质“ZL 2018 1 1300171.0 (发明专利,已授权)1111.何春龙、张诗琪、黄磊、钱恭斌、王星光、李强、刘超文. "一种新型的LLC谐振电源驱动器保护电路." 专利号:ZL 2016 2 0367870.7.(实用新型专利,已授权)

12.何春龙、张诗琪、李兴泉、王星光、黄敏、刘超文."一种提高CRM PFC的零电压检测回路可靠性的电路及电子设备." 专利号:ZL 2016 2 0368050.X.(实用新型专利,已授权)

13.何春龙、陈文亮、钱恭斌、冯大权、郭重涛、廖斌.“一种智能水龙头及用于智能水龙头的自来水管控系统” 专利号:ZL 2017 2 0030573.8.(实用新型专利,已授权)

14.何春龙,冯大权,王春琦. “一种可倾转四旋翼飞行器”授权号:ZL 2018 2 0885396.6 (实用新型专利,已授权)

15.何春龙、王春琦、丁晓欢、冯大权. “一种基于UWB的无人飞行器自主定位导航系统” 授权号:ZL 2018 2 1907535.7 (实用新型专利,已授权)

16.何春龙、田楚、尹佳佳、李兴泉、陈前、刘颖.“具备净水功能的水龙头.”授权号:ZL 2018 2 0149291.4. (实用新型专利,已授权)

17. 何春龙、张诗琪、陈文亮、刘超文、李强. “水质监测笔”授权号:ZL 2016 3 0499497.6 (外观设计,已授权)

18. 何春龙、田楚,张诗琪、李兴泉、王春琦、刘颖. “TDS水质监测笔”授权号:ZL 2017 3 0618616.X(外观设计,已授权)











IEEE Access 副编辑、EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking副编辑、Digital Communications and Networks副编辑、 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEETransactions on WirelessCommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、中国科学等期刊审稿人,IEEE/IEICE 会员。


